Due to weather, the church Office is closed Friday, Jan 12th and ALL activities are canceled.

We're meeting in person & online!

River Baptism at Dickson Valley Camp 


Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Believing in the next generation to be the new testament church

Listen to Pastor Matt's Podcast!

June 1st Ignite Covid-19 Update

Current Days & Times

Youth Group - Wednesdays at 6:30-8:30 PM

What's Coming up?

Lead THE Cause

July 5 -13 | Colorado Christian University
*Register by March 13
Cost: $550
Transportation provided.
Open to current 8th graders through juniors in high school.
Be A Part

Ignite Student Ministries

Shaping our youth for the church God calls us to in His Word.

Matthew 28:16-20

“Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”



Be a leader or join in a freedom group! Starts Sept 8th - Dec 8th. 


Will not meet on Nov 23rd. 


Step By Step

The journey to a powerful and effective life in Jesus Christ starts right here. Right Now.

  • Youth Group

    Wednesday night gospel centric conversations and creativity to connect with our creator.
  • Sunday Morning

    Reaching new areas of life and growth to prepare this generation for the road ahead.
  • Small Groups

    Sunday night we are building strong relationships with opportunity for spiritual growth.
  • The Landing

    Support for junior and senior high teens
  • Camps & Retreats

    Growing together through interaction with each other and elements of God's creation.

Ministry Training

Youth Leadership Team
Stick To It (Bucket Team)
Drama Team
Worship Team
Children’s Sunday School, Awana
Sunday Service Opportunities
Tech Team
Café Team
Ignite Student Leadership Conference
Dare2Share Live!
Lead The Cause
Visitation Ministry


We take students on “fishing trips” giving them opportunities while under our leadership to “Fish for Men”.  These fishing trips go from local to across the world.

Missions Trips

We have a three-year rotation when it comes to our missions trips. We attend Lead The Cause, a summer intensive, that focuses primarily on training students to be disciples and how to share the gospel. Our Domestic trip provides focus on diverse elements of our American culture and the grand finale is our international mission trip.

We have added a Jr. High missions trip called "Harvest Impact" for our middle schoolers that offers training and more responsibility in association with our VBS program. This is a great first step for students to get their feet wet without leaving home.

Ignite’s Events

These are student planned and executed events that rely heavely on their personal invitations through their circle of friends and peer groups.

School Outreach Bible Studies

We plan to partner with students and ministries to pray for one or two schools this year. Our goal is to have an active group by the winter semester.

Other Opportunities

Our passion and prayer is to ignite our leadership and outreach teams to seek God's direction for more outreach opportunities. Let's dream up some BIG ideas that honor God and inspire our families to engage in our forward vision. 



Go and bear fruit! We want our disciples to make disciples. We expect students to reproduce themselves through discipleship, leadership training, fully leading ministries and/or starting new ones. 


Parents, youth leaders, and other students disciple all our students for them to reproduce disciples in someone else.

Student Lead Ministry

We encourage, support, and sometimes fund students who want to lead or start ministries.

Hosting Conferences

With Dare2Share Live! and Ignite Student Leadership Conference we are utilizing our facilities to expand our discipleship beyond our own church.

Junior & Senior High Youth Pastor

Matt Drietz

Matt spent his teen and college years working in camp ministries. At the age of 16 he received his call to ministry and developed a deep love and passion for young people. He and his wife, Amanda, both graduated from Oak Hills Christian College in Minnesota, where Matt received his Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry. Matt is a seasoned youth pastor with over 20 years of experience in the ever-changing youth ministry. The past 16 years of his ministry has been spent serving at Harvest as the Junior and Senior High Youth Pastor.