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River Baptism at Dickson Valley Camp 

Child Dedication

October 5th & 6th

5:30pm || 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM

Child Dedication

October 5th & 6th- During church services

Sat 5:30pm || Sunday 9 & 10:45am

What is the biblical purpose and history of child dedication?

Child dedication is found several places in the Bible. The godly woman named Hannah prayed for years for God to give her a child. He answered that prayer, and Hannah gave birth to a son, Samuel. After Samuel was born, Hannah prayed these words of dedication, “For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord.” I Samuel 1:27-28

Joseph & Mary also took the infant Jesus to the temple and dedicated him in Luke 2. These examples from Scripture show parents entrusting their child completely to God publicly. Deuteronomy 6:5-9 describes God’s plan for parents in raising up a child.

Do I need to be a church member to have my child dedicated at Harvest?

You do not need to be a member at Harvest to dedicate your child. We do desire for dedicating parents to consider Harvest as their church home. Why? Part of the dedication ceremony actually involves the parents stating their willingness to partner with God and this local church to raise the child in cooperation with the Bible. It is important that parents agree with the Harvest beliefs and vision.

Are there any requirements for Child Dedication?

Yes, there are a few …

Dedicating parents should have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If one spouse is an unbeliever but agrees to their child being dedicated, the believing spouse may dedicate the child. We would encourage the unbelieving spouse not to take part in the ceremony, so as to not make promises to God whom they do not believe for their salvation.
Dedicating parents should be in agreement with our doctrines.
Dedicating parents should regularly attend Harvest worship services for a period of at least 3 months.
Dedicating parents who are unmarried will need to meet with one of the Harvest pastors or directors prior to the dedication ceremony.

Does Harvest baptize infants?

The short answer is – no, we do not baptize infants. The Bible only records the baptism of believers (who have trusted in Christ alone for salvation – Acts 2:41; 8:12; 10:47-48).

Jesus held children, prayed for children, and even healed children; but there are no scriptures indicating that infants were baptized. Learn more about Harvest’s baptism beliefs.

Baby/Child Dedication is not a sacrament; nor does it impart grace or salvation to the child. Salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and is a personal decision by individuals who recognize their sinfulness and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to pay for all mankind’s sin.

How old can a child be to be dedicated?

Harvest does not have a set age requirement for dedications. The average age of children dedicated is 4 –  8 months old. Some parents do dedicate older children for a variety of reasons: the parents are new believers in Christ and want to dedicate their child now that they are believers; the parents are dedicating a younger sibling and want to dedicate an older child(ren) as well.

What about Single Parents?

Harvest encourages and welcomes single parents to dedicate their child to God and commit themselves to raise him or her in the ways of God. Single parenting is challenging, and in special need of God’s help and the church family’s support through the years of child-rearing. We do encourage single parents to discuss the dedication with the other parent or ex-spouse.